Oksana B

Age: 35
City: KIEV
Country: UKRAINE
Zodiac: LEO
Height: 5’5″ (165 cm)
Weight: 123 lbs (56 kg)
Eyes: GREY
Education: COLLEGE

One of my favorite hobbies is fishing. There’s something so calming and rewarding about being out on the water, feeling the sun on my skin, and patiently waiting for that perfect catch.
Speaking of the sun, another hobby I adore is tanning. It’s quite relaxing and really is good physically as well.
In addition to outdoor activities, I have a deep love for literature. Reading is not just a hobby for me, but a way to expand my mind and nurture my soul.

My heart is filled with dreams and hopes for the future. I imagine a life where I have grown into the best version of myself, able to provide a loving and stable home for my family.
My dream is to raise my son in a warm and nurturing environment, where he feels cherished and encouraged to reach for his own dreams. I want to be there for him every step of the way, guiding him with love and wisdom, helping him navigate the joys and challenges of life.
Finding a loving and supportive man to share in this journey is also a big part of my dream. In my dream, I see us living in a big house filled with love and laughter, a place where our family and friends are always welcome. I envision cozy evenings spent together, sharing stories and dreams, building memories that will last a lifetime.
As I look ahead, I see myself not just as a wife and mother, but as the best wife and mother possible. I want to be the kind of woman who is there for her family, who listens with empathy, who supports and nurtures her loved ones through all the ups and downs of life.

I imagine a partner who is my equal, someone who is kind and caring, who shares my values and my vision for a happy and fulfilling family life. Together, we will create a strong and loving bond that will be the foundation of our family.
If you feel like you can be the man for me then please reach out. I dont bite, I dont judge.
I believe that if we both are interested in finding the lover then perhaps we should not waste anymore time! I will be waiting for you!